Friday, November 26, 2010

"The Other India: Possibilities Beyond the Really-Existing Democracy"

इस 3rd semester  में  हर दिन कुछ न कुछ नया होता रहा है जिसे कि मैं  है  बहुत ही जरुरी भी मानता हूँ / "Ayodhya Verdict " और " Festible for Forsaken " जैसे  successful programm organise  करने के बाद अब बारी थी  "The Other India: Possibilities Beyond the Really-Existing Democracy"  की /
आज हमारी आजादी के 63 साल हो जाने के बाबजूद भी बहुत सी बातें हैं जिनको की हम  सही से नहीं जानते , जिस तरह से सिक्के के दो पहलू होतें है उसी तरह से हर विवाद के भी कुछ न कुछ कारण होते है जिनको की हम सही से जाने बगैर ही दुसरे को गलत  और अपने पक्ष  वालों को सही समझते हैं /
हम बहुत कम ही बार हकीकत  जानने की कोशिश  करते है, और इसका सबसे बड़ा  कारण यह है की हम जब से होश सँभालते हैं हमे यही बतलाया जाता है की  हमलोग सही थे और अभी भी हैं, और अगला इंसान गलत है , उसने गलत किया था / और हम उन्हें अपना दुश्मन समझ लेते है बगैर यह जाने हुए की सच्चाई क्या है /
बहुत ही कम लोग ऐसे होते हैं जो अगले पक्ष की बात को उजागर करते हैं, क्यूंकि यही किसी के मन में किसी के प्रति कोई गलत क्षवि बैठ जाये तो उनको ये समझा पाना बहुत ही मुश्किल एवं शाहस का कम होता है की कौन सही है और कौन गलत ?
आज हमारी University  में DABMSA (दलित, आदिवासी,बहुजन,मिनोरिटी,स्टुडेंट असोसिएसन) ने कुछ ऐसा हीं   शाहस का काम किया, Topic  था  "The Other India: Possibilities Beyond the Really-Existing Democracy"  जैसा कि नाम से  ही पता चल जाता है की यह कितना विवाद भरा  होगा और किस तरह की बातो को पर विचार - विमर्श हुआ होगा /
topic की तो बात हो गयी अब बात रही इनमे Invited Guests ,
Varavara rao
Prof. Haragopal
Prof. Kancha Ilaya
Dr. S.A.R Geelani (Du Teacher)
Md Dawood, Solidarity Youth MovementJanuary 2008 to present Working Committe Member
Latif Khan Civil liberties monitoring committee
Krishna (HRF)
जो की अपने में बहुत मायने रखते हैं / इन लोगों में जो मुख्य अतिथि थे, वो थे Dr. S.A.R Geelani (प्रोफेसर ऑफ़ दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय ) जो की पुरे हिंदुस्तान में जाने जाते है / जिनको की कुछ ही साल पहले भारतीय संसद भवन पर हमले  के   लिए आरोपी ठहराया गया था,और पुरे हिंदुस्तान में इन्हें बहुत शक की निगाह से देखा जाता है /
अब आप समझ सकते है की DABMSA  इसे  organise  किया यह वाकई हिम्मत और शाहस का कम था की नहीं ?
इस debate में invite किये गए हर guest ने अपने अपने राय दिए / जिससे हमे यह जानने का मौका मिला की आज क्या आज का भारत सच में एक  Democratic Country  है जहाँ गलत के खिलाफ उठाये गए जनता की हर आवाज़ को दबा दिया जाता है, लोग  Naxalites  क्यूँ  है ,सरकार जनता के हित में क्या कर रही है, आज़ादी के 63 साल हो चुके हैं हम कहाँ तक अपने लक्ष्य को पाने में सफल हुए हैं, भारत - पाकिस्तान के बीच लड़ाई का कारण क्या है, कश्मीर किसका है , कश्मीर में आज जो हालत हैं उनका जिम्मेबार  कौन है ? ऐसे कई मुद्दों पर उनलोगों ने  अपने अपने राय दिए जो की हकीकत में बहुत लोगों को नहीं पता था /
चुकी मुझे  किसी Debate या Discussion को सुनना बहुत अच्छा  लगता है इसलिए मैं इस  पुरे कार्यक्रम को देखा-सुना , और मुझे अच्छा भी लगा /
मैं DABMSA को इस तरह के Programm organise करने के लिए  धन्यवाद देता हूँ और आशा करता हूँ की future में भी वे इस तरह के Programm को organise करते रहे ताकि जो भी हकीकत हो चाहे किसी भी पक्ष का हो लोगों के सामने आये और लोग इनसे जागरूक हो क्यूंकि किसी भी देश की तरक्की तब तक संभव नहीं है, जब तक  कि  वहां के लोग जागरूक नहीं हो जाये /

Thursday, November 25, 2010

जाऊँ कहाँ ?

 भारत में बहुत ऐसी जगहें हैं और मैं तो कहता हूँ की शायद विश्व के लगभग हर देश में, जहाँ के लोग किसी अजनबी से मिलने पर लोग उनके पूछने से पहले ये पूछते हैं की आप कहाँ से हो? उसके बाद ही उनके नाम पूछते हैं क्यूंकि भारतीयों के नाम हीं कुछ ऐसे होते हैं जो उनके प्रदेश को संबोधित कर देता है / जैसे, अगर किसी के नाम के साथ ऐय्यर जुड़ा हो तो पता चलता है की वो दक्षिण भारत का है , और अगर किसी के नाम के साथ दास या विश्वास तो वह बंगाल से है अदि / आज लगभग विश्व के हर क्षेत्र के लोग आपस में ही जाति, धर्म और भाषा, क्षेत्रीयता के नाम पर एक दुसरे का सर कलम कर रहे हैं / 
अगर    अपने   ही    देश    एवं    क्षेत्र   में   लोगों    का    ये   हाल   है   तो   लोग   जायें   तो   जायें कहाँ ?
मैंने भी यही देखा है और अभी भी देख रहा हूँ / लोग कहते हैं की दुनिया २१वी शताब्दी में पहुँच गया है, लेकिन मैं तो लगता है की ये दुनिया आगे उजाले की ओर न जाकर पीछे घनघोर अँधेरे की तरफ हीं चलता जा रहा है , जहाँ लोग एक दुसरे को सताने एवं दुःख - क्लेश देने के सिवा कुछ नहीं कर सकती /
मैंने इन्हीं चीजों को मह्शूश किया था (और अभी भी कर रहा हूँ ) और जो कुछ मह्शूश किया उसे पंक्तिओं में लिखा /

Friday, November 19, 2010

Friends !!!

-:Dandia nights in Diwali:-

Finally it's  time to go home because one more semester is going to finish within  few days. I'm happy that our 3rd semester's exams will be finished  on November,  25th. I know that we all friends miss ours family here & are very eager to meet them but i know  after  reaching  home & meeting  them, we will start missing each other (friends) & as  i think it will be very painful & difficult to spend time at home without friends.
We will miss not only each other but our enjoyable moments,classes & of course this campus also.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Discrimination Divides India

GHANDHI was mahatma, but was also derided as "that Bania".NO one dared cal Nehru names, but that didn't stop people from gossiping insultingly about his alleged liaison with Edwina Mountbatten, even suggesting that he agreed to Partition under her influence.
The Congress syndicate called Indira Gandhi "Goongi Gudia," and believing too much the truth of their own insulting reference let her become prime minister, a foolishness born out of prejudice that they came to regret.India can be called a lot of names - Land of the most of illiterates , land of the most number of the world's poorest, and more charitably, the world's most populous democracy, land of the most varied cuisine, languages, attires and cultures, and many more - but no one can accuse us of being a " politically correct " nation.
In fact , if anything, we must be called the " Land of insults ". Just think about it .In Mera Mahaan Bharat , each one of us have multiple identities,and each identity can be readily and is regurarly turned in to an Insult.
The North India insults the South India and disturbs the East Indians., come down South, and you will find the Tamil discriminates against the Malayali and the Malayali discriminates against Kannadiga and vice versa.Zoom down into , say, Karnataka , and you will find the Mysore Kannadiga smearing the Mangaloreanand that of Uttara kannada making light of the Bengalurean .Then there's the religious divide - the Hindus can't tolerate the Muslims and Cristians and vice versa.Within the Hindus the self-appointed upper castes cannot stand the denigrated lower castes.
Within the upper castes ,theBrahmins insult the Vokkaligas and the Lingayats and vice verse.Within the lower castes - usually denoting a community profession handed down from father to son over generations - each castes shouts insults at another.
And all these divisions, intolerance, and the insultant discrimination and nepotism are over layered by the Ultimately, we are a nation where each of us proudly believes in the " Freedom to insult" to all others.And we perform it every day of our lives, insulting bus drivers, auto drivers, policemen, etc.and in tern are insulted by them . No less than a former prime minister calls the elected Chief Minister of a state "b******** " on television . In 60 years, this is how far we, the people, have come.
Therefore, we never felt Insulted, at least not enough to work up the kind of rage we do daily on the roads, when the world referred to our "Hindu rate of growth," or foreign companies came here and said they would make cars for " Indian road conditions," or when Pakistan - inspired terror has continued on for over 20 years. Nor when Australian officials regularly point out that although dozens of Indians have been attacked, some even killed in their country, Indians are still more secure Down Under rather in India itself.
Sorry sir, we are too busy exercising our Freedom to insult, and be insulted, in our country to notice.

deccan cronicles....
on 26th, jan,2010

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Revolution begins again

The tradition of protest is very old not only in India but, in whole world to oppose something bad, which usually happens around us. As we all know people never oppose against bad things or managements so early, it takes time to oppose these thing. weather it is a bad management or a bad step protester go against them without knowing any thing that what action will be taken against them by the rulers or administrators.and the same thing happened in ENGLISH & FOREIGN LANGUAGES UNIVERSITY students call a massive protest after a long time. They usually complained for to the respective staffs seeking better managements of mess, water & some other needs but administrations always used to ignored their demands, at last they called a protest which gave a positive result in favour of students. Impact of this protest was keep fighting & never tolerate the INJUSTICE at any cost.
The impact Of Protest  THE HINDU 13-8-2010                                                                                                                             Making a point:EFLU students stage a protest by having lunch outside their mess, in Hyderabad on Friday.HYDERABAD: Browned off over the apathetic attitude of the administration, students of English and Foreign Languages University (EFLU) staged a full scale protest, boycotting classes and locking up the administration block here on Friday.
With the Central varsity introducing several courses this academic year, there has been tremendous pressure on the university's resources. Topping the list is the severe infrastructure shortage at its student-run messes, Basheer hostel mess and Mahlaqa Bai Chanda hostel mess.
Despite its capacity of 450 students, Basheer hostel mess is catering to 750 male students while the Mahlaqa Bai Chanda hostel mess is providing meals to 450 female students against its capacity of 300, Parshathy Nath, a member of student general body, said.
As a result, students are forced to stand in long queues for a meal. “Often, it takes two hours to finish a meal. This is affecting our classes,” a student said. With the university administration unmoved by their plight, the students protested as the in-charge Vice-Chancellor Mohammad Miyan too failed to turn up at a meeting convened.
Students had their lunch squatting on the pavements inside the varsity.
They also wanted subsidised cooking fuel and food supply costs in the messes. “The administration has time and again tried to absolve itself of all responsibilities regarding the messes, claiming that they are students' affair. Is it not the duty of a university to provide minimum infrastructure for its student messes?” Ms. Nath wondered.
Students also pointed to manpower shortage in running the messes.

TIMES NEWS NETWORK:- 13-8-2010           
Eflu students stage protestTIMES NEWS NETWORK Hyderabad: Demanding better infrastructure facilities, students of English and Foreign Languages University (EFLU) boycotted classes and staged a massive protest on the university campus on Friday. About five hundred students staged a dharna in front of the administrative building demanding better mess facilities, classrooms and subsidised food. According to students, the main mess hall was not large enough to accommodate the increased student strength and that even the staff was not up to the mark. “Hardly 100 students can sit and eat at a time in the mess hall. Scores of others have to wait outside for their turn,” research scholar Gurram Sitaramulu said. University officials agreed that the existing mess facilities had to be upgraded. “The number of students has almost doubled to 1250 in the last three years due to introduction of new courses. We have been developing the infrastructure accordingly and the mess building will also be extended,” registrar P Bapayya said.

***we shall fight ***
 we shall win  

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

English & foreign languages university, Hyderabad

I love this university a lot, where i found some old friends who have been far from me & also some new friends.
This university have given me a new chance to set a beautiful career which i have never expected. our professors are also very nice & dynamic who are always with us in need. New foreign language complex looks so beautiful, where the classes for language students are conducted.

i wish all students to achieve their goals....

Theatre photos :-                                                                 14/11/2009

Aadithyan Mohan as GoGo "the crime master"

Abhay Maurya  (V.C, EFL UNIVERSITY)

This was the first drama ever done by me & of course it was very nice performance by us .The number of audiance was more than four hundreds.

An Article published  in newspaper-

Saturday, March 27, 2010

वो school life ... भी क्या life थी...

वो  school life ... भी क्या life थी,

शायद  ज़िन्दगी  के  सबसे  हसीन  लम्हें थे . 

वो  दोस्त  , वो  यार  ...

वो  बचपन  का  पहला  प्यार ...

वो  रोज  time  table बनाना  ..

वो  दोस्तों से वादे करके  मुकर  जाना ..

वो  exams में  रात  -रात भर  जागना  ..

वो  exams  में  पडोसी के  copy  में  झाकना  ..

वो  class  में  उनको  ही  देखते  रहना  ..

और  उनके  देखने  पर  ..नजरो  को  फेर  लेना  ...

वो  teachers की  बुराई  करना  ..

वो  school में  बस  principal से  डरना  ..

वो  juniors से  मजे  लेना  ..

वो  बात - बात  पर  treat देना  ..

वो  class में   chewing gum खाना  ..

वो  रोज  प्यार  के  नए  definition देना  ..

वो  छोटी  से छोटी  बातों  पर  पंगे  ले  लेना  ..

सच  में , ये  school  life, शायद  जिंदगी  के  सबसे  हसीन  लम्हें थे   ..

I M Found of those days ,& can never forget.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Is it Frienship ?

Friendship starts from hearts, we all know it very well. but, sometime it may hurt our hearts too.
We (friends) usually never expect that one day our friendship can break but, in realty it happens.
We never think that the guy with whome we share all our feelings, our plans, our emotions , will ever hurt us. & this is the biggest sock as i think when someone do this.
After breaking friendship one can feel what i did mistakes in the life. like, what should have i share with him & what shouldn't have i share with him ? but it's too late to realize it.but in real life we don't do so,because we think that this my friend & he can never deceive me.

And finally one day Friendship breaks & with this break-up all relations finished foreever but only one thing remains same is the pleasant moment which we had ever shared with each others.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

EFL University ( where i study right now)


Gate No - 2

                                                                    Gate No - 1










TAGORE HOSTEL (For Foreigners)




After construction 

Under construction