Thursday, March 11, 2010

Measurements Of LIFE....

How do you measure success? What is success? Success in what?
Chicken or Egg, Egg or Chicken, scientific explanation? or philosophical explanation?

There are questions and questions surrounding us, and some questions are always in running in circles, where the head is the tail and vice versa. So, now, is there a way to quantify those? Is there an absolute yes or no to those?

I like this so called "matrix of knowledge". It splits to four parts.

1.) The "known knowns" - which means, the thing that you already know and it's known.
2.) The "known unknowns" - the things that you know it exist, but you just don't know what it is.
3.) The "unknown knows" - something you don't know but it is there.
4.) The "unknown unknowns" -things that you don't know and you don't even know that you don't know.

lolx, sounds abit difficult. But sadly it's fair to say that most of us are having more "unknowns unknowns". What we know is just so little, that most of the time we set an approximation or confidence level of acceptance.

In digital world, there are in general two values - the "ones" and "zeroes". But as an engineer, we know that there are no "absolute ones" or "absolute zeroes". When i studied science during my younger times, I always think that everything can be proven scientifically has an absolute "yes" or "no". At this Masters level, I start to realize that alot of things around us are just purely an approximation or in other words, a human self-defined "yes" or "no".

So you think it's exactly 4 o clock on 6th march 2010? what is 4 o clock? what is 4? what is o clock? is time absolute??!!!!

Think about it......

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